City of Helsinki

Institutional Partners


Helsinki is the Capital of Finland and a functional urban region of about 1.5 million inhabitants. The city’s objective is to be a captivating location for innovative start-ups and the most attractive knowledge hub
for companies.

 Helsinki’s vision is to be the world’s most functional city. Being functional also applies to economic and business policies: providing a well-organized, reliable and predictable operating environment. Thanks to agile experiments and new initiatives, Helsinki has also become a smart mobility thought leader and a frontline piloting city.

The entire city is developed as a platform for experimenting and creative business activity. Apart from automated transport and MaaS, Helsinki is also investing heavily into opening up of public data, bringing about new, additional solutions to the innovation portfolio.

 Jätkäsaari Mobility Lab is Helsinki’s testbed for smart mobility. Jätkäsaari Mobility Lab facilitates piloting and development of smart and digital solutions that enforce smooth, safe and sustainable mobility in Helsinki and beyond. Investments into smart infrastructure, collaboration with local residents as test users and networking opportunities all contribute to the vibrant research and testing environment in Helsinki.

Smart City Services
MaaS Software Enablers

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