Young Female Leadership on Sustainable Mobility - Saving Lives through Local and Global Action
Wednesday, May 19, 2021 5:00 PM to 5:40 PM · 40 min. (Africa/Abidjan)
Active & MicroMobilityPublic Policy
Road traffic injury is now the leading cause of death for children and youth aged 5–29, killing 500 children each day. Youth are the main victim, but are not seen as part of the solution. Youth are powerful catalysts for change, engaging communities and leading impactful actions. The panel, led by young female leaders who promote change to save lives on the world’s roads, will show how stakeholders can work with youth to create sustainable systems that put the most vulnerable ones at the center.
19th May
Industry Talks Program
Minh Vo
Junior Monitoring & Evaluation CoordinatorAIP FoundationLaura Daniela Gómez
Project CoordinatorDespacioDilys Mneney
Project OfficerInternational Road Assessment Programme (iRAP)Rafaela Machado
Star Rating for Schools Global CoordinatorInternational Road Assessment ProgrammeEstiara Ellizar
Transport PlannerMinistry of Transportation, Indonesia