Autonomous mobility : the human challenge

Thursday, May 20, 2021 1:00 PM to 1:20 PM · 20 min. (Africa/Abidjan)
AV's & Technologies


Autonomous mobility is most of the time presented as a technological challenge. At RATP Group we firmly believe that it is a human challenge : service adaptation, social acceptability, employees training and job evolutions are key components of the development of autonomous mobility in urban areas.  RATP Group covers these challenges since 30 years : from metro automation to autonomous buses and tram and to urban air mobility.


Industry Talks Program
RATP GroupImplanté dans 13 pays, sur quatre continents, le groupe RATP compte parmi les leaders mondiaux de la mobilité urbaine. Tous les jours, nos 65 000 salariés se mobilisent pour développer, exploiter, entretenir et moderniser des systèmes de transport collectif innovants et répondre ainsi aux besoins de mobilité des populations. Nous exploitons au quotidien 8 modes de transport (métro, tram, bus urbains et interurbains, trains régionaux, sightseeing, navette maritime, transport à la demande et câble) et sommes par ailleurs présents sur la chaîne des nouvelles mobilités, dans le cadre de partenariats (navette autonome, scooter électrique en libre-service, covoiturage, autopartage, parkings intelligents et connectés). Nous proposons ainsi des solutions de mobilité sûres et connectées au service d’une ville durable et intelligente.  Present in 13 countries, across four continents, the RATP Group is a global leader in urban mobility. On a daily basis, our 65,000 employees work round-the-clock to develop, operate, maintain and modernise innovative public transport systems, and to meet the mobility needs of travellers. We operate daily eight means of transport (metro, tram, urban and inter-urban buses, regional trains, sightseeing, maritime shuttles, cable transport and transport on demand), and we are also present, in partnership, on the new mobility chain on four other modes (autonomous shuttles, electric scooter, carpooling and car sharing). The RATP group offers reliable and connected mobility solutions for smart, sustainable cities.

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